• IPAC

Archive Research Program

How it works

I've been involved in many professional development activities and this is by far the best one I've ever done

Chelen Johnson

Cold Spotz/Chary

Cold Spotz/Chary

Cold Spotz: Using the submillimeter wavelength all-sky map generated by the Planck satellite to classify 4000 previously unidentified radio sources into the following categories: extragalactic radio sources, star-forming galaxies, stars within a dust shell, cold stellar cores, or asteroids.

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Our Participants Talk About NITARP

  • Mike

    [at the 2013 AAS,] I was always struck by the focus on ensuring the data is real and using modeling to create templates when classifying objects or processes.

  • Decosgter

    One of my students at Niles West had become interested in GRBs as we thought they were the results of mergers of black holes [but we learned this was wrong at an AAS plenary talk]. My student thought it was interesting that scientists could change their minds about how things worked.

  • Thompson

    The more I talked with astronomers and support staff at the different booths [at my first AAS], the more I began to realize that being a teacher, and an amateur astronomer, is really very different from being a professional astronomer.