• IPAC

Archive Research Program

How it works

I've been involved in many professional development activities and this is by far the best one I've ever done

Chelen Johnson

Cyclops AGN/Gorjian

Cyclops AGN/Gorjian

The Cyclops AGN team will be continuing the work of last year's AGNatha team, using WISE data to identify anomalous AGN in Gaia.

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Our Participants Talk About NITARP

  • Seebode

    I also really like helping new teachers, let them share what they know fill in gaps, help them feel included and not overwhelmed. I want to do more of this, and need to find ways to direct this more effectively in my school and district.

  • Edwards

    This experience convinced me even further that I can push myself to learn even more each and every day. I started out feeling very overwhelmed and unprepared last year. I forced myself to work through my unease and wound up much more comfortable. I learned that astronomers are much more down-to-earth than I envisioned a lot of them to be and so many of them are very willing to go out of their way to explain things when we have questions.

  • Powers

    Through this whole process I’ve learned that astronomy research is about connections. Who you meet, what they do, and how each has a part in a greater picture. Sharing information, connections and discussions.