• IPAC

GLAST students/Lacy


GLAST students - Observations of S5 0716+714 using Spitzer's Infrared Spectrograph: Using Spitzer Space Telescope's Infrared Spectrograph for follow-up observations of accretion around the supermassive black hole in the galaxy S5 0716+714 studied originally by the GLAST/Lacy team.


This proposal was written by Thomas Travagli and Alekzandir Morton, who both attend Deer Valley High School. Jeff Adkins helped direct the research, and Dr. Mark Lacy of the Spitzer Science Center assisted with the technical areas and understanding of the project. Our research on this target left a number of questions concerning the causes and nature of the 'bump' seen in the SED. We propose to target S5 0716+714 for a consecutive observation to extend this data. Spitzer's Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) could provide detailed information, which would primarily be used to deliver a closer value of the object's redshift.



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